The project focused on examining the situation of deaf graduates who are sign language users, employers and sign language interpreters to inform our end-goal, the production of research-informed training materials for these stakeholder groups within the national contexts of Ireland, Germany and the UK.
The findings showed that there is a trend of increased participation in higher education as a result of increased provision of sign language interpreters in this sphere (typically facilitated through disability legislation). As a result, more deaf signers are achieving higher-level qualifications and seek to enter the workforce in a range of professional roles. In turn, there is a commensurate increasing demand for interpreters to facilitate interactions in the workplace between deaf signers and their non-deaf, non-signing (hearing) counterparts. But there are on-going gaps in meeting the demands. Recommendations are made for employers and interpreters to ensure best practices for deaf people to access, maintain and progress their chosen employment.
Vlogs & blogs:
- Project wrap up May 2020:
- May 2019:
- October 2018:
- May 2018:
- December 2017:
- November 2017:
- Project kick-off January 2017:
- Research report: